15 Apr
Event Description
With 1,82,63,695+ tested positive and with over 2,01,928 deaths (as of 27th April 2021), Coronavirus / COVID-19 has hit each of us in different forms impacting travel, business, happiness, and more than anything else - our lives. Oxygen is critically required to treat patients affected with COVID, many of whom require hospitalization due to fluctuating oxygen levels. However, there is a severe shortage of oxygen availability across hospitals in India. Oxygen concentrators are alternate devices to oxygen cylinders – while cylinders contain a finite amount of oxygen supply, a concentrator recycles oxygen from the air and delivers it to the patient. They can be used to manage patient requirements without looking for external sources of oxygen.
India is waking up to the fact that there is not enough supply of oxygen to the patients who actually need it. Hospitals are not able to take any new admissions. People are waiting outside the hospitals desperately waiting for some support. There have been many deaths outside the hospitals, waiting for oxygen. Though there have been many NGOs, organizations, and The government trying their best to procure and provide the oxygen to the neediest, there is still a shortage.
It is very crucial now that we, individuals have to step in to support this crisis situation and co-operate with each other with utmost responsibility.
Each high flow oxygen concentrator costs Rs. 85,000 and each low flow concentrator costs Rs 45,000.
A contribution of Rs.45000 will procure one low-flow concentrator that can treat and save the lives of up to 900 patients with mild to moderate illness. A contribution of Rs. 85000 will procure one high-flow concentrator that can treat and save the lives of up to 550 patients with a severe or critical illness.
Support Needy to procure Oxygen concentratorsCategroy:
Kokan NgoLocation:
15 Apr 21