Kokan Ngo

Please help Yuvaan Ramtekkar get the world's costliest drug!

Goal : ₹ 180000000 /- (SUCCESSFUL)

Help Baby Yuvaan Fight Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Yuvaan suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy and has difficulty holding his neck, trying to breathe, swallow, and moving his legs like any other infant of his age. Zolgensma Gene Therapy is a potential cure for SMA for children, and it has to be imported from the USA. Baby Yuvaan needs Zolgensma gene therapy as soon as possible to save his life. Zolgensma comes at an extortionate price of INR 15–18 crores, approximately, excluding taxes and duties.

Yuvaan's father works for a company and earns around INR 27,000 per month. Until now, his treatments and medications have been paid for with savings and loans. But the price of Zolgensma gene therapy is beyond their reach. They are unable to afford the medical treatment for their baby boy, whom they love so much.

We sincerely appeal to the Helping Hearts like you to come forward and extend your full support to enable us to help Yuvaan. We request that you kindly contribute towards the treatment by sending your contribution by Cheque/DD/Online in the name of Kokan Kala Va Shikshan Vikas Sanstha and help during this time of desperate need. Each contribution is significant, irrespective of the amount.

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Regd No.F3894 | Regd under Maharashtra Public Trust Act,1950. 80G No – AACTK0913AF20143 REG DATE – 30/10/2012